Would you like a mentor in your life? Someone just a little older, a few steps ahead, to remind you that God is still in control and that everything is going to be okay? Having a mentor work with you, even for just a short period of time, is enough to get you out of the fog and into clarity. It’s enough to help you reclaim your God-given vision for your life.


Do you wonder how you fit in the world? Are you worried about whether you’re doing the things God wants you to do? Do you wish for like-minded women to gather around you?

I am passionate about helping you get connected with God so you can have clarity and confidence about the one beautiful life God has given you.

When you sign up for the Dear Daughters Mentorship Program, the first thing we’ll do is schedule a one-on-one video call. This is a chance for me to get to know you, really hear your story, and engage on a one-on-one basis.

Then, we will have 3 group sessions. During those sessions, I will facilitate our time with others who have signed up for the program. These live one hour sessions will take place via Zoom.

In summary, here is what you’ll get when you sign up for the program:

  • 1 – thirty minute one on one video call with Susie
  • 3 – one and a half hour group sessions with Susie + other mentees
  • Weekly (optional) homework + recommended resources

This program is perfect for someone wanting a mentor or someone wanting to know how to mentor. Going through the program will help you understand how easy it really is to engage in a mentor type relationship.

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