10 tips for writers

This weekend, five fabulous women came to my house to talk about their writing dreams. They drove in from all over Texas to sit at my table and brainstorm how to accomplish the things they feel God has for them via writing. It was my first boutique-type, hands-on writers workshop experience offering and it was so wonderful, I hope to host more.

As we talked, I listed lots of resources I discovered on my journey as a writer. Things that helped me in writing my blog and books. I thought I’d list a few of those resources now.

  1. Julia Cameron: The Sound of Paper
  2. Stephen King: On Writing
  3. Anne Lamott: Bird by Bird
  1. Corita Kent: Learning by Heart 
  2. Julia Cameron: The Artist’s Way
  3. Austin Kleon: Steal Like an Artist
  1. Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference (in Estes Park!! My favorite.)
  2. She Speaks Conference
  1. Boutique Writer Workshops (stay tuned here … I’ll have more!)
  2. Old-fashioned Timer … decide on how long you’ll write, turn it on and get it done. This post was completed in 30 minutes. Yep. I could have spent hours over-thinking the words or the picture but instead, I just got it done. It helps to have a deadline, real or imagined.

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