A Prayer for Your Marriage

Will and I recently celebrated our 39th anniversary. We met when I was 16 years old, got married when I was 21, and two years into our marriage we started our family. We basically grew up together – and we’re growing still. Marriage is refining work!

The word refine means to free something from impurities or unwanted material. Another meaning behind it, is to improve or perfect something by pruning or polishing. These descriptions aren’t the most sunshine-y, but they do give us a great depiction of what refinement can look like in a marriage. Often, the most crucial and delicate of refinement comes through those who knows us best (like our spouses!). They see us in every circumstance, including short comings and suffering—and these times are ones when refinement can show up best.

For these times, I wrote a prayer based on a couple of verses found in Ephesians. I hope it gives your courage to embrace refinement and grow your marriage.

With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. – Ephesians 4:2-3