Liz Benigno … a spiritual mama with great wisdom (dear daughters 5)

I once read that in the next five years, you become just like the people you hang out with … which is why I meet with my friend, Liz. She is a cancer survivor (though she hates me mentioning that) and also a bit of a goof. She is a fantastic wife and mother. And she is a mentor to hundreds of young women. She is the kind of person I want to be like and she is a person I think you’ll really like getting to meet.


On the Dear Daughters podcast today, Liz dishes about why they bought a puppy in-between her chemo appointments and her father-in-law’s death, how mothering makes her closer to God, why friendship is often cyclical and how she feels about all those kids she leads at Regents School of Austin. She also shares the easiest recipe that’s destined to make you look like a cooking genius.

Meet my wise and delightful friend Liz Benigno. :)

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Show Notes

Things to Think About

Love God and live the life God wants you to live even though it might not be the life your parents want you to live or society expects you to live. If you genuinely love God, all the minutia will work out. ~ Liz Benigno

Motherhood provides an opportunity for enhanced spirituality. ~ Susie Davis

Liz’s daughter, Joanie, with her new baby.

When a child finds faith, it is not formulaic. That leaves zero room for God to breathe in their life. ~ Liz Benigno

God is way above and way beyond even my best mothering attempts. ~ Susie Davis

Do you have any marriage rituals? I bet they’re beautiful …

Do you have any long-term dreams for your marriage? Where are you in 20 or 30 years?

One of the keys to having good friends is to not hold them too tightly. ~ Susie Davis

It’s okay to have cyclical friendships. ~ Liz Benigno

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