5 Ways to Have More Joy in Your Marriage
We’re talking all things JOY on the Dear Daughters Podcast because I want to help you bring a little more joy to your everyday life. We’ve talked about joy at home, joy at the table, and now we’re going to talk about joy in relationships.
This week I have my husband, Will, next to me to start this next part of the series about how to find joy in your marriage. Will and I have been married 37 years this week, and we’ve had days that have been really joyful and we’ve had days that have been really difficult.

Listen in as we dig deeper into ways to keep the joy in your marriage like these:
- Practice gratitude.
- Have a marriage mission.
- Play together and play apart.
- Observe Sabbath.
- Pray.

I pray that you are able to find so much JOY in your marriage. I hope that you and your spouse can use your marriage to bring joy to others around you, too.
- Get a copy of Pray Big for Your Marriage by Will Davis Jr.
- Get a copies of my books, Loving Your Man without Losing Your Mind and Unafraid: Trusting God in an Unsafe World.
- Learn more about Canines 4 Christ.
- Become a Newsletter Friend and get weekly-ish encouragement and know about all the fun things coming up.
- Join us Sundays at my home church, Austin Christian Fellowship, online or in-person.
- Stay at The Franklin our treasure in small town, Texas! Airbnb link here.
- Listen to more of Sara Davis Regan’s music. :)
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