a house of peace
I made a quick, early trip to the post office this week. It was dark outside and very quiet. When I got to the the post office it was just another girl and me. We confessed it was easier to wake early instead waiting til later and standing in long holiday lines.
As I drove back to my house, I had the chance to see it from the outside in. Fresh garland and white lights framed the front porch windows. Christmas tree lit up inside. On the right side of the house, I could see where I left the lamp on in the dining room. Happy hygge house. It looked so peaceful and cozy, it seemed as if the house invited me to come inside.
I want my house to be a peaceful house. A peaceful house is really all about the people inside the house having peace ~ with one another, in any situation. The kind of peace that can only be found in God. So I pray for peace …
Dear God,
May the peace of Christ rule our hearts and this home.
Make this house a respite. Free from chaos, confusion, or any evil thing.
Fill this house with your Holy Spirit because this house is your house.Β
Every door, every window, every bit space belongs to you.
May all who enter be embraced by your presence. Comforted by your peace.
May your joy abound and your beauty be present.
In Jesus name I pray, amen.