a prayer to kick fear out the door
For so many years, I loved God but I didn’t trust Him. I worried He wouldn’t take care of me or my kids so I took it on myself to try and manageย (‘manage’ … another word for ‘control’) the ones I loved. I was a fear freak. Because I didn’t trust the character of God. I thought, like Eve in Genesis, that just maybe God was holding out on me. I thought that my plans for my life were much better than His plans for my life.
What I didn’t realize is that with that tiny assumption, I opened wide the door for fear. I said to fear, “Come into my life. Help me make plans. Prepare me for the worst. Because God is holding out on me.”
But I was a mess. A tired, anxious mothering mess.
Oh friend, let’s kick fear to the curb. And let’s embrace God as a faithful Father.
How about a prayer today? A prayer that kicks fear out the door? Pray with me…
You are holy, God. You are good.
You have good plans for my life.
You have good plans for my children.
You’re good and so I don’t have to understand everything …
You say that the whole earth is full of your glory and though I don’t understand how that works, I agree with it because You speak the truth.
You’re a truth-teller, God.
You’re a tear-gatherer, God.
And I don’t even get it all God but You’re good and I believe You and I trust You and I’m a child … so help me trust You more.
And a little more on the basis of fear from a recent message Will and I gave at our church, Austin Christian Fellowship.
(… and we agreed and we prayed and all kicked fear out the door, yes?)
Find Unafraid (trusting God in an unsafe world) at: