On Legacy | Jackie Green & Lauren Green McAfee | DD 68

There are some days when I feel like I’m building a lasting legacy- maybe if I’ve had a really meaningful conversation with a dear daughter, or done something that seems like it could have some big impact. And there are other days that feel small like when I run errands, fold the laundry and make dinner for my husband. Maybe you can relate.

You may not feel like you are building a legacy when you pray with your friend about her job interview, or when you care for a sick toddler, or make a phone call to check in with a family member but there’s good news … you are leaving a legacy. Yep, even when you do simple things like running errands, folding laundry and making dinner.

Today on the show I talk with a lovely mother-daughter team, Jackie Green and Lauren Green McAfee, about the opportunities we have to build a legacy that outlives our one life. And spoiler alert, you don’t have to be famous to leave a legacy. Jackie and Lauren’s new book, Only One Life: How a Woman’s Every Day Shapes an Eternal Legacy, is all about that and more.

I can’t wait for you to meet them! Here’s the interview on the Dear Daughters Podcast Episode 68


Jackie & Lauren’s definition of legacy: Love poured on others for God’s glory that outlives our own lives.

We each have a different story, and our story can be beautiful and unique and God can use it, and it’s not going to be like someone else’s story. We get to live out our one life where God has placed us, with the gifts He’s given us, and the people He’s put in our lives. And we can make a difference right where we’re at. ~ Lauren Green McAfee

Lauren’s advice to her 20-year old self: Hold your expectations with an open hand before God.

Jackie’s advice to her 20-year old self: Trust in the Lord. Quit trying to put your trust in yourself or your own abilities or other people. Also, just chill out :) Learn to let the things that don’t matter go.

… grateful, grateful for Davis sharing their music for the DD Podcast. :)