worry-free wednesday

Yesterday at the barn while tacking up the horses my friend, Christy, and I were talking about the cyclic nature of anxiety in a woman’s life. The tendency we have to move from one season of worry to another:

In college, you worry if you’re in the right major.
After college, you worry about finding the right job.
While single, you worry if you’ll ever get married.
When married, you worry whether you’ll be able to get pregnant.
When finally pregnant, new worries abound about the health of the unborn baby.
And then when you have children, well … you worry about them ALL-THE-TIME. (Yes, mothers? It’s sadly easy to make the beautiful job of raising a child just one BIG season of continual anxiety.)

As a former fear-er, I rail against living my life one worry after another. Worry makes me weak and tired and double-minded. It makes me cranky and unfunny and so unbeautiful. Anxiety ages me. It tries to boss and bully me into thinking about bad things that haven’t even happened yet. Ugh.

Worry is such a waste. A waste of today.

Worry is simply fear in disguise.
It is fear of the unknown.
Fear of tomorrow.

Because fear dominated so much of my life, I have to make my mind focus in another direction. I have to train my mind to grab hold of joy and hold on tight. Because life doesn’t need to be one worry after another.

worry-free wednesday
So I am choosing to ditch the worry.
I am prayerfully living worry-free.
Will you join me?
Let’s “Live carefree before God.” (1 Peter 5:7)

Because God hasn’t asked us to carry tomorrow or next week. Just faithful to this one little moment today.



photo: kate stafford

discover more about worry-free living …

Unafraid (trusting God in an unsafe world) at booksellers everywhere:

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