Grace for Your Holiday Expectations

There’s often a big difference between expectations and reality. To have happy holidays this year, we need something we can’t plan, orchestrate, or create … we need God’s Spirit and God’s grace.

Welcome to the Holiday Soul Care Series on the Dear Daughters Podcast. The 2020 holiday season is here and it’s going to be different from anything we’ve ever experienced. I want to see how you’re doing and make sure you are taking good care of you … and I want to help you have grace for a new way of doing things over the holidays this year.

If we hold on too tightly to expectations, it can steal our joy when reality doesn’t look like we hoped. We need to open up our hands, release those expectations, and accept what God has for us.

I pray that, especially in this holiday season, you open your hands to God and have the grace to see things with new eyes and a childlike heart.



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My book, Dear Daughtersis a template for those multi-generational conversations and relationships youโ€™re craving.

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