The Thanksgiving Table with Bri McKoy | DD 75

I can’t wait for you to hear from Bri today! And ohhhh, don’t forget to jump over to my Instagram and enter to win a signed copy of Bri’s book + Ina Garten’s How Easy is That?
- Bri’s happy instagram
- Bri’s earlier interview on the podcast ~> dd episode 38
- Savory Mashed Sweet Potatoes
- Ina Garten’s Herb- Roasted Turkey Breast
- Bri’s favorite kitchen tool ~ the food mill
- Come and Eat: A Celebration of Love and Grace Around the Everyday Table
- Interested in the Dear Daughters Mentorship Program? More info here. Or join the waitlist here.
- And oh, sign up for my weekly-ish newsletter here and you’ll get access to a FREE 4 week Bible study on how to live worry-free.
To me, what’s most important on Thanksgiving is the gathering aspect of it, so the first thing I do is figure out what’s causing me stress and eliminate that. If this stresses me out, why am I doing it? The point is the gathering and the point is being fully present, and if this is going to keep me from being fully present I’m not going to do it. ~ Bri McKoy
The spirit in which you create a meal is as important as the meal itself. ~ Susie Davis
When Bri makes her Thanksgiving list, she lists on one side of the paper what dishes she would like to bring to the table for Thanksgiving, and on the other side she lists what she emotionally and spiritually would like to bring to the table. Isn’t that lovely?
I don’t want to compare my Thanksgiving to other Thanksgivings. This is the Thanksgiving I have, this is the season God has me in, and I’m going to bring as much joy and gratitude to this Thanksgiving as to one where things are perfect and everything’s right in the world. This is the Thanksgiving God has given me and I want to be fully present in it. ~ Bri McKoy
Confront the sorrow and welcome it, and then move into gratitude. ~ Bri McKoy
Gratitude comes from realizing where the gift is coming from. ~ Susie Davis